24 hour Emergency Roof Repair Service in Toronto!

Prepare your roof for Fall & Winter in Toronto!

The summer just passed and the last thing you want to think about is the rainfalls of the fall and snowstorms of the winter. But when it comes to roof inspections and repairs, being proactive can save you a lot of money and headaches. Roof repair professionals, like GTARestoration, are at their busiest in late fall and winter, when snow or heavy rainfall damages roofs. Repairing your roof during those times will be costlier, due to the high demand of their services, and will take longer due to bad weather. GTARestoration also offers water damage restoration services in the case you do experience damage to your roof.

So seize the day and inspect your roof now before issues arise. GTARestoration offers both roof inspections and roof repairs. First, your roof has to be inspected for sunken spots and damaged tiles. A look inside the attic can also reveal signs of water leakage that haven't yet caused a serious issue, but could lead to damage when encounter with heavy snow on the roof or a rainstorm.

Inspecting the integrity of your rain spouts, and how they connect to your roof is another thing that should be inspected. Also, the ground grading from the wall of your house should be in a downward angle to make sure that water is lead away from your house.

Contact GTA Restoration today for a quote, we will be happy to answer all your roof related questions - 416-358--6666


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