Caution Biohazard Blog Image created by GTA Restoration Group in Toronto

What types of Bio Hazard waste is there?

Biohazardous waste can be very dangerous if it is not properly taken care of, it is known to potentially cause diseases like Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, and HIV. GTA Restoration is fully trained in biohazard removal, our team knows how to safely remove any biohazard waste in the Greater Toronto Area.

Biohazard is occasionally called something else such as biomedical waste, infectious waste, or medical waste. Biohazard waste is any sort of waste that can contain infectious materials. Our expert biohazard removal team has written a few of the different types of biohazard waste below so that you can easily identify it.

Human Bodily Fluids: Any sort of human body fluids, this includes: saliva, amniotic fluid, peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid, pleural fluid, synovial fluid, cerebral spinal fluid, semen.etc this also includes any fluids that may contain blood. As well as any body fluids that are hard to identify.

Animal Waste: Any animal waste including body parts, carcasses or bedding material from a known infected animal.

Pathological Waste: This includes all humans organs, tissues, body parts.etc

Human Blood & Blood Products: Any products that may contain blood and could potentially release it. As well as any bodily fluids or tissues that contain blood.

Microbiological Waste: Laboratory waste that could be infectious, this includes discarded viruses, blood, body fluids, serums.

Sharps Waste: Needles, broken mercury thermometers, syringes, scalpels, razor blades, broken glass.etc

Soot: After a fire there will be soot that needs to be cleaned. GTA Restoration has an expert fire damage restoration team that can help you with this.

Mold: Dangerous mold can cause serious health problems if not properly dealt with. GTA Restoration has a Mold Removal team dedicated specifically to taking care of mold.

Sewage: Sewage can be very harmful if not taken care of properly, if you experience any sort of sewage backup or problems with sewage the sewage backup team at GTA Restoration is experienced in dealing with sewage and can help you.

Asbestos can be crumbled, powdered, or pulverized. Small clumps of fibers may be released into the air as dust. Inhaling asbestos during its use is a health concern. That's why it is a well-known health and safety hazard.

The GTA Restoration Biohazard and Crime Scene Cleanup team is very well trained in dealing with any sort of biohazard waste and prepared to help you get past the toughest situations. Our team deals with these situations all the time and knows how to handle them properly. If you experience any sort of biohazardous waste do not hesitate to give us a call, it is very important that it’s taken care of quickly and properly to ensure everyone’s safety.


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